Lily at Gentle Spirit Farm

Contact CompAnimals if you are interested in adopting Lily
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Lily visited Gentle Spirit Farm on August 5, 2013

Wow, what a good girl! And so petite and pretty. Lily was mesmerizing to watch during our walk. She was joyous and excited, yet graceful and attentive. As she elegantly soaked up the experience, she had each of us admirers thinking how much our other dogs would like her!

This poor young dog was abandoned by a family during their recent breakup, perhaps best for her, while they go through their difficult times. This off-leash walk revealed her true nature (which these walks tend to do) – pure gold! Like all dogs in this program, Lily is a “shelter dog” looking for her forever home. While waiting for her forever home, she is spending weekdays at a doggie daycare, which is great social experience! Still, though, someone needs to rescue this girl permanently!

Which way to go first?

Which way to go first?

Sharing the experience

Sharing the experience

Cruising along

Cruising along








For more information about this volunteer program, and scenes of the adoptable dogs at the farm, check out the Volunteer page.

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