“The Dog Who Knew Too Much, a Chet and Bernie Mystery” by Spencer Quinn

Review by Pam Marr Rybinski

Author Spencer Quinn is on a roll with his mystery series narrated by the smart, devoted canine partner in the private detective agency formed by Bernie Little. Chet the Jet and Bernie share love, dedication, devotion, and a habit of never giving up. Both operate on high principles that don’t necessarily conform to legal restrictions.

This particular mystery deals with the only son of a devoted divorcee who disappears without warning from a “build-you-into-a-man” wilderness camp paid for by his usually non-attentive, rather violent father. Quinn tosses in a highly-paid convention speaking job for Bernie, a gold mine complete with skeleton, cave-ins and nuggets, and several absolutely despicable scoundrels in positions of power.

Together or apart, Chet and Bernie work as a team that in this adventure desperately needs the help of their friends.

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